High-quality conversion with one click
Free convert MP4 to MOV format without reducing the video quality with our advanced AI-powered CapCut Commerce Pro video editor, and make sure the original resolution, clarity, colors, textures, and details of your content are preserved. With its easy one-click conversion, the process is quick and reliable, which saves you the hassle of manual settings or extra steps and even your precious time.
Multi-track editor to edit video before conversion
Before you convert MP4 to MOV free with CapCut Commerce Pro, use its multi-track editor to make some adjustments. You can resize the video for different platforms by changing the aspect ratio, removing backdrops using the dedicated "Remove Background" tool, and even retouching the faces of the subjects in the clips. Overlay text or other elements to give your video a polished look — all in one place.
Customize video resolution and frame rate
Change the quality of your video during conversion with our CapCut Commerce Pro video editor. You can upgrade the resolution to 2K for better clarity and increase the frame rate up to 60fps for smoother playback. Whether you want to convert MOV to MP4 for free or vice versa, these options help create professional-grade videos in seconds for your product demos or marketing campaigns.