One-Click Video Solution

Simply enter a product link or upload the product visuals and descriptions, the AI-powered One-Click Video Generator will instantly craft dozens of engaging social media videos for your business needs.

No credit card is required.

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Close Sales Fast With The
Add Product Link Feature

Boost sales by making your content shoppable! During Publishing, add product links to your content to enable customers to move from discovery to purchase in seconds.

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Quickly Resize, Repurpose, and Export In Batch For Every Social Media Platform

Say NO to tedious resizing tasks. Effortlessly adapt your content to fit every platform's specs. Fine-tune your videos by toggling the safe zone on and off to ensure perfect cropping in every frame. Plus, batch export capability allows you to save time and effort by exporting multiple creatives at once.

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Stay In Control With Multi-Track Editing For More Customization

Our multi-track editing allows precise keyframe editing, fine-tuning transitions, animations, effects, and audio to your preference. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned creator, you can always stay in control over every aspect of editing.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I generate marketing videos?

Click "Video Generator" on the left toolbar, enter the product URL, and click "Generate". You can also click "Add product manually" in purple at the bottom of the page to generate videos through other methods.

How do I edit a video after generating it?

Select the video to be edited, and click the scissor icon below to go to the editor for further editing.

How can I export edited videos to my local device?

-Export after generation: Select the video to be exported, and click "Export" at the bottom, where you can choose to publish it to a third-party platform or export it to a local device. -Export after editing: Select the video to be exported, and click "Export" in the top right corner where you can choose to publish it to a third-party platform or export it to a local device.

Which platform URLs are supported in the "URL to Video" feature in "Generate marketing videos"?

Product links from TikTok Shop, Shopify, and Amazon, are currently supported.