All of our packages come with a free trial, giving you the chance to try each once before committing. To unlock advanced features and more credits, you need to upgrade to a paid subscription.
What's the difference between subscription and credits?
CapCut Commerce Pro is a subscription-based content creation platform. There will be a certain amount of credits included in your subscription plan to help you embark on your creation journey.
What are the differences between the yearly and monthly subscription?
We offer two billing options: yearly and monthly subscriptions. The yearly subscription is paid in full with a single upfront payment for the entire subscription period, and credits for the whole year are issued to you. It offers a discounted rate compared to the monthly subscription, saving you costs.
Which payment methods are accepted?
We accept major credit cards and PayPal for online payments. We provide a prepayment option that facilitates monthly deductions from your account based on your plan.
How to use CapCut Commerce Pro credits?
Credits can be used to generate videos and images on CapCut Commerce Pro. Please note that not all creation tools will consume credits. Kindly refer to the in-app information for details. You can gain credits by joining our subscription plan, recharging them separately or gaining them through events.
What if I run out of credits before the end of the month?
We provide a separate channel for purchasing additional credits, ensuring you can buy more whenever necessary.
Do my credits carry over to the next month or billing cycle?
It depends on the source of your credits and the payment method you select. You can verify their validity period in the dashboard. Taking the credits included in a package as an example, if you opt for a yearly subscription, you can use these valid credits at any time throughout the one-year period. If you opt for the monthly subscription, unused credits will expire at the end of the month and will not be carried over to the next billing cycle.
Can I change my subscription plan at any time?
Direct changes to subscription plans are not supported at this time, but you may choose to cancel your plan. Please select your plan carefully.
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