Publisher and Analytics FAQs

Learn how to use the publishing and analytics tools to easily manage your social media accounts.

How to publish content to third-party social platforms?

  1. Navigate to the "Publisher" on the left toolbar.
  2. Click "Authorize" to sign in using your social account ID and password, and confirm permissions for CapCut Commerce Pro to publish content and retrieve your performance data. Once your account is connected, you will see a typical social calendar interface.
  3. Click the "Schedule" button located in the top right corner and select the file you wish to publish. In the pop-up window, choose the scheduled time and select the social account.
  4. Upload your media file and optionally write a caption for the post. Finally, click "Schedule." The scheduled task will then appear in the social calendar.

  • When you're ready to post a video on your social commerce platform, such as TikTok Shop, follow these steps:

    1. Click on "Export" and select "TikTok" after ensuring all specifications are correct.
    2. Once you've confirmed everything, click on "Export."
    3. In the "Schedule" window, navigate to "Add TikTok product link" to tag products and make the video shoppable.


    Which platforms can marketing content created with CapCut Commerce Pro be published to?

    Currently, CapCut Commerce Pro supports posting to TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to expand our platform capabilities!

    How to view post-publishing performance data?

    After publishing your content, go to the “Analytics” on the left toolbar. If you have connected multiple social accounts, you can view comparative data and trend charts for these accounts.

    Which third-party platforms are supported for viewing publishing data in Analytics?

    Analytics currently supports viewing publishing data for TikTok, and we plan on supporting YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Stay tuned!

    What specific publishing data does Analytics show?

    Analytics currently shows follower growth, engagement and impression of videos published in the last month.

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